1. To improve general fitness in terms of increased:
- Endurance - target: to shadow box constantly for 20 minutes
- Strength and muscle tone. Targets:
- 50 single arm benches (each arm)
- 50 tricep curls (each arm)
- 50 crunches, straight and oblique
- 50 wide squats, 50 narrow squats, 50 lower half squats
- 50 tricep dips
- 50 press ups.
- Static and dynamic flexibility. - targets:
- To be able to fully open my hips in a butterfly stretch i.e be able to put my knees on the ground!
- To be able to do a full bridge.
- To be able to lift my legs up forwards, sideways and backwards up to shoulder height.
- Improved posture and balance. Targets:
- To stop leaning when performing punches
- To consistently put feet in correct position to maximise base of support for each stance
- To stop swaying or wobbling during combinations or kata performances
- Better stances and stance transitions. Targets:
- To perform all stances with correct foot position, weight distribution and knee bend
- To move between stances with correct movements, good balance and without 'bobbing'
- Improved punches, kicks and blocks. Targets:
- To consistently use correct technique, with particularly reference to the following:
- Kicks: lift knee high and snap back kicks fully
- Punches: Eliminate any leaning, ensure punches are horizontal, don't twist too early, extend punches fully, keep shoulders relaxed and elbows in.
- Blocks: ensure blocking arm doesn't drop below belt when preparing the block and ensure arm isn't too high during uchi uke.
- Better use of hips. Targets:
- Ensure entire koshi region is unified during a hip thrust.
- Fully retract hip and coordinate hip thrust with technique
- Ensure power from hip thrust is transmitted in horizontal plane
- Greater power
- Greater speed
- Increased reaction times
- Angles and evasion techniques;
- Strikes, counter strikes and blocks;
- Takedowns and throws;
- Locks.
- Increase understanding of sen no sen, sen sen no sen and go no sen in a fight situation.