Friday, 7 January 2011

Fitness Program planned

I'm nearing the end of my first week of intense training. I have to say it hasn't been that intense so far. In fact it has been a hotch potch of things as I tried out new exercises and drills to see what I think will work best for me. You will notice that I have added some pages to the blog. One just reproduces the training aims that I laid out in my last post and the other lays out a 16 week fitness training schedule that I have come up with.

I will commence next week with 'week 1' of the schedule and see how it goes from there. I will post the weeks schedule in the side bar at the beginning of each week. This fitness program addresses most of aims 1 and 3 and some of aim 2 so it does not constitute the entire training programme - but it's a start!

This week I have done several short sessions ( 30mins) working on various dynamic and static stretches, lots of shadow sparring, I was surprised I could last 7 minutes straight off (reckon I could have lasted longer if I'd had more time!), some kata practice (Bassai Dai and Seienchin) and worked through all my punching and kicking combinations slowly to improve technique. I've also spent a hell of a lot of time reading and studying exercise focused martial arts books and planning out the schedule.

The inspiration for most of my program has come from three books: Ultimate flexibility - A complete guide to stretching for martial arts by Sang H. Kim; Solo Training: the martial artist's guide to training alone by Loren Christensen and Fighter's Fact Book by Loren Christensen.

I'm hoping to fit in about 3 workouts a week of about 30 - 60 minutes but I'll just have to see how it goes! The advantage of have a ready planned schedule is that each week I'll know exactly what I will be doing and can just get on with it.

Have you got any favourite exercises or drills that you like to do regularly?


  1. For me, the gym is a huge part of my ancillary training. I'm there three days a week and after warming up (running, elliptical or bike), I lift just arms on day one, just legs on day two and an arm/leg combo on day three. To me, deltoids and pecs are the upper body muscles that were weakest (another gift from the cancer gods), so shoulder fly, dumbell rows and bench/chest press are the three arm exercises I always do along with bicep and tricep work. For my legs, lunges and squats rule. Squats are wonderful for the quads (front thigh muscle) as are lunges, but the latter help my balance sooooo much as you have to keep it while one leg is working. I always do calf raises and leg curls (for the hamstings) on leg days, too.

    Don't forget to stretch before you start and before you leave!

  2. Interesting, didn't know google blog actually had

    Looks good, good luck!

  3. I'm looking forward to reading about what you're doing with your workouts. I've been doing some research on my own because I need to get back into a regular workout routine, especially since I have a test coming up! I don't have the money to pay for a gym membership so I'm working on putting together a routine that I can do at home.

  4. Physical: pushups, situps, and squats. Keeping it simple, keeping it consistent. Only one instruction needed--repeat, repeat, repeat.

    Mental: meditation!

  5. Felicia, You're such a seasoned athlete! Sounds like you know exactly what kind of workout you need. I'll definitely be doing some squats (with and without weights). What's shoulder fly by the way?

    Ariel, I don't have a gym membership either. With a few bits of basic equipment and a bit of space at home, you don't need one. Some hand weights are useful and something to punch if you can. I would recommend working out a program for yourself, that way when you have time to exercise you don't have to think what to do and can just get on with it. I'd be interested to know what exercises you come up with :-)

    T, a simple but comprehensive program! I'd just add a bit of stretching into the mix (us oldies need it!)

    Charles, to add 'tabs' just add the blogger gadget 'Add page element' and then go into 'Postings', 'Edit pages' and you can add up to 10 pages (tabs) to your blog.

  6. Hi, Sue...

    Shoulder flys work the deltoid (muscle around the shoulder) and lats and trapezius muscles. You've probably seen the machine at the gym - the one where you sit facing out with your arms parallel to the floor just bent (up) at the elbows. The weight/resistance is actually moved with your elbows/forearms. With free weights, hold the dumbells in your hands, hold your arms out at your sides (making a "T" with your body) then bend at the elbow so your palms are facing forward; bring the elbows together (they'll meet in front of your face) then back to the start position.

    You can do the same exercise laying on a bench or the floor, but it tends to work more of the pectoral (chest) muscle that way for some reason (must be a gravity thing)...

  7. Another thing about moving the weights: the only way to strengthen muscle tissue is by breaking it down (lifting) then giving it time (and protein!) to regenerate so it will be stronger. Rest is so key when lifting! Unless you concentrate on two different muscle groups (like upper body one day and lower body the next), you shouldn't lift two days back to back as the muscles need time to recover. Protein (broken down further: amino acids) is the building block of muscle, so make sure you replenish yours after lifting, no more than an hour after your workout is complete via a protein-rich meal or a protein shake or bar in a pinch...


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